Please note: Due the limited audience size (85), tickets are available ONLY ONLINE IN ADVANCE. Tickets will not be sold at the door!
Internationally acclaimed for the intensity, richness, and astonishing audio detail of his live
immersive surround performances in the dark, sound artist and composer Francisco López has
created yet another magnum sonic tour de force in his new VirtuAural Electro-Mechanics – a
creation developed from a myriad of original sound recordings of mechanical machines, electromechanical systems, and industrial environments gathered over the past 25 years all over the
world; from food factories to “white rooms”, from 18th-century automata to computers, from
wood and wires to magnetism, from the microscopic to the monumental. Resulting from a
massive process of evolution, recombination and spatialization of these materials; merging the
“real” with the rise of a new breed of unexistent, magnified, dramatically hyper-real machines;
this gargantuan multi-layered creature is all about an extraordinary ontological sonic experience
of VirtuAurality in the dark that will put you at the core of the archetypal machine.
[Originally commissioned for the 25th anniversary of the Sónar Festival in 2018]
Known for her explorations of ghostly presence and substance in a plethora of sonic realms,
artist and composer Barbara Ellison’s work delves into the sonic intricacies of objects,
manipulated instruments, voice avatars and sound environments from the Arctic to the
Amazonian rainforest. In her work, the hidden and the phantasmatic reveal themselves as a
reward for the engaged and attentive listener willing to take such a sonic voyage. Her new
work for live performance, CyberSongs, explores the simultaneous use of both computer
text-to-speech synthetic/sampled voices and computer-like patterns with human voices –
through the intensive and extensive use of repetition – as tools and materials to give rise to
surprising audible phenomena of a fascinating odd musicality. Words, morphemes,
phonemes, phrases and speech particles acquire constantly-shifting new aural meanings,
turning into the rhythmic, melodic and harmonic patterns of the obsessively phantasmatic
trans-human song cycle of the CyberSongs.