8:00 PM; $5 – $15 sliding scale suggested donation at the door (cash/checks only); presented by Nonsequitur. Matthew Ostrowski (NYC): Glove controlling Max/Msp-electronics & Doug Theriault (Portland): Guitar controlling Max/Msp-electronics. Live electronic transformations of acoustic and electronic sound sources and manipulation of those transformations, without an escape route… Gyre (Seattle) is an experimental electronics trio formed by Michael Shannon, David Stanford, and Carl Lierman. Sounds generated entirely with oscillators, internal and external feedback circuits, simple sound generators, microphone captures, digital processing, forming swirling loops of sound layers.
Each month, Nonsequitur and a community of like-minded organizations and artists present ten concerts of adventurous and experimental music in the gorgeous Chapel Performance Space at the Good Shepherd Center (which sits on the traditional homelands of the Duwamish people): contemporary/post-classical composition, free improvisation and the outer limits of jazz, electronic/electroacoustic music, new instruments, phonography, sound art, and other innovative musics. Watch a video clip about us on the Seattle Channel.
Location & Contact
In the Chapel Performance Space on the fourth floor of the Good Shepherd Center.
4649 Sunnyside Ave. N.
Seattle WA, 98103
(SW corner of 50th & Sunnyside in Wallingford. Nearest Metro bus stops: 62, 44, 26)Email: