Doug Haire lives on NoBeHi and is generally associated with music.
Here are three pieces inspired by our lives in 2020. The first is a complex drone soaked in an ether bath. I’m finding that all the elements of drone music say the most when the nights grow long. The second track is about all that can happen between 11 beats per minute. It’s this larghissimo thinking that I bring to the Oregon desert. And finally, the sound of the end of town. A place where the street dead-ends and the countryside returns. A place where you find yourself just thinking about stuff. The local and the cosmic.
With the Chapel closed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Wayward Music Series moves from the concert hall to the living room. In place of our usual ten monthly concerts, Nonsequitur is commissioning ten Seattle artists each month to create a series of streaming audio sessions of previously unreleased material.